Nutritious Choices

Access a healthier self


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About Healthy Eating

Healthy eating don't really change that much with age, especially when healthy eating habits are already developed. However, it is still important to understand the specific nutrition requirement for good health.

Some Important Advice for Seniors

Recommended standard single serve from the 5 major food groups

*space* Vegtables Fruits Lean meat & Poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds, legumes & Beans Milk, Yoghgurt, Cheese or alternatives
Standard serve 75g (100-350kilojoules) 150g (350kilojoules) 500-600 kilojoules 500-600 kilojoules

About Water

morning tea

The daily water requirement of the body depends on age, weight, sec and air temperature. The recommended daily water intake for male and female from 51yr and above are 3.4L/day and 2.8L/day respectively.

Some common intake source of water for our body includes: Water, Beverages, Fruits, Juices

The recommended best times to drink water includes:
  1. When you first get up
  2. Before each meal
  3. With snack
  4. Before a workout
  5. With medication if allowed
  6. Drink more water to prevent illness following exposures
  7. Have a glass when tired
{A simple rule about water for all ages} 8x8 - apprx2.5L daily

In June 2009, “scientific American” published an article titled “Fact or Fiction? You must drink 8 glasses of Water Daily”. The article describes the 8x8 rule of thumb dictating that you must drink 8ox glasses of water every day. Tea, coffee, soda, juices and sports drinks do not count towards the eight-glass total. This is a simple guide that offers an easy way of measuring the approximate amount of daily water intake required for each individuals in all age groups.

Some healthy habits to increase your daily water intake:

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